
Whether you are coming or not, please register with us so that we can add you to our e-mail list, and so that we won't continue efforts to locate you. To register, phone Gwen Dundon at (613)542-0473, or e-mail us (, or use the form below. Share a memory or two. Urge friends to do likewise.When you register your name will be entered in a draw for a 21-speed mountain bike.

We won't publish your contact information, but we will add your name to the on-line list ("Whom we've heard from so far") unless you tell us otherwise. At any time, even after you register, you can send the committee suggestions, questions, memories etc. by using the address.

If you use the registration form below, single click on the submit buton to submit the form. Asterisks indicate required information. - free web hosting. Free hosting with no banners.