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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

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 Mass Intentions
30th  Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct. 24, 2010
Monday Oct  25 9:00 am Lois Mourits – (Church)
Tuesday Oct  26 9:00 am Loretta Adams
Wednesday Oct  27 9:00 am Ernie Levac
Saturday Oct  30 5:00 pm Martyn Baston
Sunday Oct  31 9:00 am
11:00 am
Ed & Mary Muldoon
Parishioners (St. Martha School)
{Regular daily morning Masses will be in the Chapel}

The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. 
This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns for a special intention
If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00
Readings For October 31, 2010
1st Reading : Wisdom 11.22-12.2
2nd  Reading: 2 Thessalonians 1.11-2.2
Gospel: Luke 19.1-10
Listen to the Daily Readings on your computer

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 30/31
5 pm – Ron Arsenault
9 am – Shannon Mulholland
11 am – Billy Ows
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
31st Sunday of Ordinary Time – October 30/31
5 pm – Mike Stenson & Roseanne Hogan
9 am – Cecile Gould & Karla Nichols
11 am – Laura Raycraft & Cathy Vanhorn

Statue of Mary
Please leave in entrance after the Mass you attend. Sign up in entryway of Church

Thank You for praying for our armed forces!
Please continue to pray for those now serving in foreign lands: David Hannan

30th  Sunday in Ordinary Time
It is only when we empty ourselves of pride
that we come to realize how totally dependent we are upon God
and can develop a reliance on him.
Prayer must come from a sincere and humble heart.

1st Communion and Confirmation Candidates!
If your children attend public school and wish to receive these sacraments please see Father Gillis or contact Christine at the parish office regarding instruction.

All Souls Day: To help those who wish to remember the faithfully departed in a special way, envelopes will be provided so that you may list your friends and relatives who you want prayed for at the Masses on All Souls Day.  Please place envelopes in collection basket or forward to parish office before the 1 Nov.

The Book of Remembrance is at the entrance of the church. Please add the names of deceased family members and friends who you want prayed for during the month of November.

Snow Birds: The frost is on the pumpkin and the hay in the barn; as well many of our parishioners will be migrating to warmer parts.  This spring we will be preparing a new photo album for the parish and you  may book an appointment before you leave (if you are not going to be back by March 15th)or (Fr. Gillis can take a photo).  We want all to receive a free album and 8 X10 photo – all you have to do is have your picture taken!

Widows Dinner: This year the widow’s dinner will be on Friday November 12th.  Details to follow.  If you are a widow in our parish and would like to attend please call Christine at the parish office by Nov. 1st.

Geo Thermal Heating System:
If anyone is interested in this type of heating you are welcome to have a look at the one just installed in the rectory. The parish will receive a referral bonus if anyone decides to install Geo Thermal with the same company we used. See Father Gillis or call Christine at the parish office.

Volunteers needed: to assist with Children’s Liturgy at 9:00 am Mass at the Church. A couple in our parish has graciously agreed to run the program but to do so functionally we need 4 to 6 more volunteers. If you are interested please call Christine at the parish office to inquire about screening procedures.

Holy Name Parish Knights of Columbus Sponsored Blood Donor Clinic Tuesday November 16th. Sign up sheets are at the back of the church and school. Any time you donate please make reference to
ID # KNIG009249 so that your donation can be linked to our K of C in the Partners for Life Program.

Expenses and Regular Collections for Sept. 2010
Yearly Expenses averaged over 12 months….......$ 4,055.61
Sept. Wages and Expenses………………………  6548.86
Regular collections for Sept……………………….9,900.00
Special donations & Mass Stipends………..……… 788.81
                                                   Sept.  surplus…       84.34                 

Instruction for Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Fr. Gillis will be offering instruction to current lectors and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, as well as new people who wish to serve in these ways. You will be asked to stay about 15 minutes after Mass. Father will make an announcement at each Mass where instruction is being offered.

New Life Group: A Catholic Ministry for the Separated and Divorced, will meet on Tuesday Oct. 26 from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at Diocesan Centre. Topic: Maintaining Health when Stressed. Speaker: Alba Marquez. 
All faith denominations are welcome!

Blessed Sacrament Catholic Women’s League is holding their annual Snowflake Bazaar and Bake Sale on Saturday, November 6 in the church hall in Amherstview from 10am to 2 pm. A light luncheon will be served in the tea room.

World Mission Sunday is on October 24th.  Today is World Mission Sunday. Today, every Catholic community and Parish throughout the world takes part in World Mission Sunday. It is a global effort to bring spiritual and material help to our brothers and sisters who long for hope and love that comes from knowing Christ’s love for them. Your kind support will assist all missionaries across the world. It will help new churches to grow, be strong and vital faith communities. Please continue to pray for all those who serve in mission countries and please be generous in your support of their work.

Hotel Dieu Hospital Coat Drive is now accepting donations of new or gently used winter coats. Most in need are all-weather type coats, such as ski jackets, for men and women who spend days and sometimes nights on the streets. Your donations may be dropped off at the main entrance of the hospital – 166 Brock – into the coat bin just inside the door. The coat room opens on Nov. 1st and runs until Jan. 28th. For more info call 544-3400 ext 2231.

The 16th tee featured a fairway that ran along a road.
The first golfer in a foursome teed off and hooked the ball.
It soared over the fence and bounced onto the street, where it hit the tire of a moving bus and ricocheted back onto the fairway.
As they all stood in amazement, one of the golfer’s friends asked.
“How did you do that?”
The golfer shrugged. “You have to know the bus schedule.”



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