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950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3,
Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626

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Missal Implementation

The General Instruction of the Roman Missal

Getting Ready for the New Roman Missal

The Revised Roman Missal
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Update on the new English-language translation of the Roman Missal for use in Canada

Revised English version of the Roman Missal for Canada
Friday, April 01 2011

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) has received recognitio for all sections of the English translation of the revised Roman Missal for use in Canada. The Permanent Council has agreed that the first Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2011, will be the date for the implementation of the English translation of the Missal. The official decree for this date has not yet been published, because our Conference is still clarifying the exact wording of one of the adaptations for Canada.

This process of clarification will not in any way slow down the preparation of the English translation of the revised Missal for Canada. Both the English Sector National Liturgy Office and the CCCB Publications Department are busy preparing the new publication and their work is proceeding on schedule.

Celebrate in Song - Pew EditionAs well, the National Liturgy Office is preparing to start the launching of the catechetical material it has already prepared. The resource Celebrate and Song, which contains the parts of the Mass spoken by the people, as well as three newly composed Mass settings and the ICEL chants, is now finished and will be available from the CCCB Publications Service during the first half of April. This resource, which contains the texts of Eucharistic Prayers I-IV and 40 hymns not currently found in the Catholic Book of Worship III, will be available from the Publications Service at http://www.cccbpublications.ca/.

Starting the first week of April, the National Liturgy Office will begin posting texts and power-point slides to be used for workshops at the local level – including workshops dealing with the theology of Eucharist, the process of translation and revision, and the history of the Eucharist. These will be available on the website of the National Liturgy Office, http://www.nlo.cccb.ca/.

Two DVDs will also be produced by the National Liturgy Office in collaboration with Salt + Light TV. These will be ready for distribution by the end of August. The first will be a two-hour presentation on the theological emphases of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal. The second will be an hour-long presentation with a teaching DVD on the structure of the Mass and the meaning of each part of the Mass. The National Liturgy Office will provide a packet of material including suggested workshop formats and questions for discussion at the parish level. Early in September, the National Liturgy Office will have CDs ready with a cantor singing a dozen or so of the new prefaces to assist priests who do not read music but would like to sing the prefaces.

New Words: A Deeper Meaning, but the Same Mass

Study text copy of the NEW ROMAN MISSAL

Some examples of the changes

Web Catechesis for the Implementation of the Revised Roman Missal

The International Commission on English in the Liturgy


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Feedback on the Parish Website

Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 1:52 PM
Subject: feedback for http://holyname.ca/sacraments.html


I'm writing to offer feedback for your web page, http://holyname.ca/sacraments.html. Your site is interesting and was useful for my religious education class. I found the resource you provide on your page, http://www.scborromeo.org/ccc/p2s2c1a1.htm, very helpful as well.

I found an informative resource about the sacraments of initiation, which I thought you might like to add to your page:


God Bless,

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