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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

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 Mass Intentions
Christ the King– Nov. 20, 2011
Memorial – St. Cecilia
Tuesday Nov 22 9:00 am Nelda Belanger (by Pauline Burns)
Wednesday Nov 23 9:00 am Mildred Heyd (by Mary Mayfield)
Memorial – St. Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions
Thursday Nov 24 9:00 am Sanctity of Life  (by Catholic Women’s League)
Friday Nov 25 10:30 am Fairfield Nsg Home
Saturday Nov 26 5:00 pm Pierre Begin (by Bernadette Begin)
Sunday Nov 27 9:00 am

10:30 am
12:00 noon
All members of the Knights of Columbus both living and deceased
                          (by the Catholic Women’s League)
Polish Mass
All regular Weekday Masses are at the CHAPEL.

Readings For Nov. 27, 2011
1st Reading : Isaiah 63.16b-17, 64.1,3-8
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 1.3-9
Gospel: Mark 13.33-37

The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. 
This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns
In memory of Yvonne Blendeman
If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00

1st Sunday in Advent – Nov. 27, 2011
 5 pm – Sheilagh Cybulski
 9 am – Cathy Townsend
10:30 am – Tricia Ryan
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
1st Sunday in Advent – Nov. 27, 2011
5 pm – M. Laudanski & M. Halladay
9 am – Brian Reitzel & Shirley Levac
10:30 am – Laura Raycraft & Cathy Vanhorn

Statue of Mary
Please leave in entrance after the Mass you attend. Sign up in entryway of Church

Christ the King
Reflecting on this gospel can help us see areas of our lives where change and improvement are needed. Jesus is still walking the earth in the guise of our neighbour who is suffering and in want.
We will be judged upon the love we have shown to others and the small acts of mercy we have performed.

Thank you to those who have re-registered
I know there are more of you out there!

To help us obtain a more accurate account of our parishioners we are asking that all families fill out a new registration form (including those who have been registered here for some time). You can get registration forms in the church entryway or on our website http://holyname.ca. When you have the form filled out please drop it in the collection basket.

Volunteers Needed!

- If you would be interested in leading a parish youth group, being a Children’s liturgy leader for our 10:30 Mass or coordinating hospitality after 10:30 Mass please call Christine at the parish office.

Knights of Columbus have religious themed Christmas cards available for sale. This is not a fundraiser, simply an attempt to ensure you have access to cards that truly honour the reason for Christmas. www.11886knights.com click on news or see the information board in the church entrance.

Knights of Columbus News: Last order deadline for gift cards before Christmas is 4 December. Amazing selection.  Your support is gratefully received.  Details at www.11886knights.com click on gift card. To order you can contact Pete Scott or see Christine in the Parish Office.
-Reminder of the Knights of Columbus Substance Abuse Poster Contest. Good Prizes available, Details at www.11886knights.com/youth.html.

Christmas Stamps: When you go to the post office please ask for Christmas stamps to send your mail. They are available but you have to ask for them!
This year they will feature a stained glass window from St. Mary’s Cathedral, The Catholic Women’s League collects cancelled stamps. Please leave a ¼ inch border around them and leave them in the church entryway. Thank You!

Christine Way Skinner will speak on Thursday, Nov. 24th from 7 – 9 pm at Holy Family Catholic Chapel, CFB Kingston.  Topic: Teach Your Children Well! Passing on the Faith to the next generation.  Free admission and light refreshments served!

Sponsor a student – The members of the Polish Apostolate are sponsoring one of their students to support her trip to Vancouver for the Christian Catholic Outreach Conference that will be held at the end of December.  If you would like to offer your support you can drop off a donation to the Parish office or drop a clearly marked envelope into the collection at any Mass. If you will need a receipt for the donation there are sponsorship forms in the entryway of the church – just include one with your donation. (Receipts will be issued by Catholic Christian Outreach in January.

Christ the King Day Celebration: The Polish Apostolate will be hosting a celebration after 12:00 Mass this weekend.  There will be lunch and dessert along with a movie entitled “John Paul II: I Kept Looking for You...”  The movie will be presented in Polish with English subtitles so everyone is invited.  Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and youth. They can be purchased after Sunday Masses

Natural Family Planning Christmas Potluck Nov. 27th
The NFP Assoc. welcomes you to join us from 2:00 to 5:00 pm on Sunday, Nov. 27th at the Diocesan Centre, 390 Palace Rd. for a potluck dinner and special guest speaker. Caitlin Fitzpatrick will be speaking on the topic of Theology of the Body- How Natural Family Planning embraces the vision of Blessed Pope John Paul II. RSVP to kingston@naturalfamilyplanning.ca.

O Holy Night – Hospice Kingston invites you to an evening of Remembrance with music performed by The Cantable Men’s Chorus and meditation to honour the memory of those we love. Sponsored by Robert J. Reid & Sons Funeral Home and to be held at The Seniors Centre 56 Francis St. Wednesday, Nov. 30 at 7 pm. Refreshments will be served.

The Holy Cross Arts Department will be performing “The Phantom of the Opera” from Wed. Nov. 30 to Sat. Dec. 3 at 7 pm. Tickets are $15 each and are available at the door or in the front foyer of the school between 11:15 and 12:00 from November 16th to Dec. 2nd.

Environmental Stewardship –
The Sacrament of Charity

Pope Benedict in his exhortation The Sacrament of Charity states: “Christian people when giving thanks to God through the Eucharist should be conscious that they do so in the name of creation, aspiring to the sanctification of the world and working intensely to that end.” In following a Eucharistic way of life we experience the blessings of our sacred earth and our responsibilities to it. This week take time to reflect how each conscious act of environmental stewardship affects your experience of faith grounded in the Eucharist. Some examples: living simply, conserving energy and water, having an energy audit of your home, taking public transportation, bringing your own bags when shopping, reusing rather than throwing away, helping the poor affected by climate change and environmental degradation.


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