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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

Previous Bulletin
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Mass Intentions
3rd Sunday of Advent – Dec. 12, 2010
Memorial – St. Lucy
Monday Dec 13 9:00 am Austin & Nora Payne
Memorial – St. John of the Cross
Tuesday Dec 14 9:00 am Yvonne Blendeman
Wednesday Dec 15 9:00 am Intentions of Jodi Compeau – St. Martha School
Friday Dec 17 10:30 am Jozef Sadura-Fairfield Nsg Home
Saturday Dec 18 5:00 pm Tom & Adriana Stenson
Sunday Dec 19 9:00 am
11:00 am
Don Pearse
Parishioners (St. Martha School)
{All regular daily Masses will be in the Chapel this week}

The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. 
This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns
In Memory of Sue Duffy
If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00

Readings For December 19, 2010
1st Reading : Isaiah 7.10-14
2nd Reading: Romans 1.1-7
Gospel: Matthew 1.18-24

4th Sunday of Advent – December 18/19
5 pm – Irma Stuart
9 am – John Uliana
11 am – Cynthia St. Jacques
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
4th Sunday of Advent – December 18/19
5 pm – Roseanne Hogan & Madeline Halladay
9 am – Bonnie Henderson & Lynda Crowe
11 am – Brian Reitzel & Pat Stenson

Statue of Mary
Please leave in entrance after the Mass you attend. Sign up in entryway of Church

Christmas Mass Times
Dec. 24th 5 pm - St. Martha School (Pageant)
8 pm – Church (Youth involvement)
12 Midnight - Church
Dec. 25th 10 am – Church
Dec. 26th 9 am – Church
11 am  - Church

3rd Sunday of Advent
Advent is an opportune time to assess what impact or influence Jesus has on our behaviour by turning over in our minds and hearts the values that are reflected in our actions.
The best kind of preparations for Christmas are deeds of kindness which make Christ’s presence felt in a new way in our lives.

Advent Confessions
Priests will be available to hear confessions on Tuesday December 14th at 7 pm in Holy Name Church.

Central Deanery Advent Confessions
December 12 2:00 pm
3:00 pm
3:30 pm
St. Joseph’s, Kingston
St. Patrick, Napanee
Our Lady of Lourdes
December 15 7:00 pm St. John the Apostle
December 19 3:00 pm
3:00 pm
Holy Family
St. John, Gananoque
December 21 7:00 pm Blessed Sacrament (Amherstview)

2011 Envelopes:  You are encouraged to use Envelopes to ensure you get a tax receipt for your donations! Please call Christine at the Parish office or drop a note in the collection with your name, address, phone #, and the location that you would like the envelopes left.

Donations for Christmas Flowers:  We will be accepting donations towards the purchase of flowers for the Church during the Christmas Season which begins on the 25th of December. Make your donation in the memory of a loved one. Donors and those remembered will be published in the Christmas Bulletin. Envelopes will be placed in the pews during the Advent season and you are asked to place them in the collection basket no later than December 19th. 

Thank You   Holy Name of Jesus Parishioners donated $2,927.00 to the Priest’s Retirement Fund.

Thank You for praying for our armed forces!
Please continue to pray for those now serving in foreign lands.

Expenses and Regular Collections for Nov. 2010
Yearly Expenses averaged over 12 months........….$ 4,055.61
Nov. Wages and Expenses.....................................   6,434.42
Regular collections for Nov...................................     9,357.00
Special donations & Mass Stipends.......................       714.00
                                                       Nov. Deficit..     (419.03)

New Life Course: the introductory course of the St. Andrew School of Evangelization, is being offered on the weekend of January 7-8-9 at Providence Spirituality Centre, Kingston, from Friday, 6:30 pm to Sunday 4 pm. This is a weekend of faith enrichment in which everyone can know Jesus Christ more personally and be empowered by His Spirit to live a more joy-filled Christian life, animated by a team of lay faithful and priests from the diocese committed to the New Evangelization of our culture. Come and enjoy a weekend of faith, friendship and fun. Not to be missed!!! Cost: $80 for commuters; $160 for overnight guests. To register, contact Pat Duff at 613-968-9941.

If you are an Extraordinary Minister of Communion and you can attend the midnight Mass Christmas Eve at the Church, could you please call Christine at the parish office.

Advent Prayer
Father in heaven, our hearts desire the warmth of your love and our minds are searching for the light of your Word.
Increase our longing for Christ our Savior and give us the strength to grow in love,
that the dawn of his coming may find us rejoicing in his presence and welcoming the light of his truth.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

When my daughter was about four years old,
she still had a hard time grasping the concept of marriage.
But anyway, I got out our wedding album, thinking visual images would help, and explained the entire ceremony to her.
Once finished, I asked if she had any questions, and she replied,
“Oh, I see. Is that when Mommy came to work for us?


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