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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

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 Mass Intentions
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Nov. 14, 2010
Monday Nov 15 9:00 am Shirley Denis
Tuesday Nov 16 9:00 am Sanctity of Life
Memorial- St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Wednesday Nov 17 9:00 am Ann Harmsen–(St.Martha School)
Friday Nov 19 7:00 pm Monica Brosso
Saturday Nov 20 5:00 pm Nelly Lees
Sunday Nov 21 9:00 am
11:00 am
Intentions of  Theresa Whalen-Witzes
Parishioners (St. Martha School)
{All regular daily Masses will be in the Chapel this week}

The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament. 
This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns
In Memory of Joe minicola
If you wish to sponsor the sanctuary lamp for one week the cost is $10.00

Readings For November 21, 2010
1st Reading : 2 Samuel 5.1-3
2nd Reading: Colossians 1.12-20
Gospel: Luke 23.35-43

Christ the King – November 20/21
5 pm – Brian Mayfield
9 am – Lois Halligan
11 am – Billy Ows
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Christ the King – November 20/21
5 pm – Mike Stenson & Cora Lutz
9 am – Cecile Gould & Shirley Levac
11 am – Phil & Marjorie Henderson

Statue of Mary
Please leave in entrance after the Mass you attend. Sign up in entryway of Church

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
One message that is clear in today’s gospel is that our state of readiness to meet the Lord depends on the type of life we lead.
Our future happiness is shaped out of our present efforts to turn to God and live properly.
The Gospel gives us encouragement by announcing that God is on our side and longs for us to be saved.

Mission Committee Food Bag Blitz 
Next Weekend!
November 20/21, after all Masses you will be able to purchase a bag of food for St. Vincent de Paul at a cost of $5.00. This is an easy and convenient way to help our poor! Any monetary donations will gladly be accepted.

Sunday Missals
Due to the revised edition of the lectionary and changes made to readings, it has been decided to supply Sunday Missals in the pews and seats of the church and school. It is hoped that the additional cost of these missals will be made up by giving an extra $5.00 in your Initial envelope for 2011.
If you want your own copy of the Sunday Missal you may purchase them at $5.00 each.

Holy Name Parish Knights of Columbus Sponsored Blood Donor Clinic -  Tuesday November 16th.
Signup sheets are at the back of the church and school. Any time you donate please make reference to
ID # KNIG009249 so that your donation can be linked to our K of C in the Partners for Life Program.

Thank You for praying for our armed forces!
Please continue to pray for those now serving in foreign lands: David Hannan

Instruction for Lectors and
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Fr. Gillis will be offering instruction to current lectors and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist, as well as new people who wish to serve in these ways. You will be asked to stay about 15 minutes after Mass. Father will make an announcement at each Mass where instruction is being offered.

Vigil for Nascent Human Life: Saturday, November 27, 2010, at 4:00 pm, St. Mary’s Cathedral, Kingston.  Presider: Archbishop Brendan O’Brien. Anticipated Sunday Mass to follow at 5:00 pm. On the vigil of the First Sunday of Advent, the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, will celebrate in St. Peter’s Basilica a “Solemn Vigil for Nascent Human Life”. He has requested that all diocesan bishops preside in analogous celebrations involving the faithful of their respective parishes, religious communities, associations and movements. You are invited to join others from around the world who will be united in prayer for this cause, and in giving ecclesial witness to the Church’s culture of life and love.

Bereaved Families of Ontario:  Family Night -Tuesday, Nov. 16th from 7:30 to 9:00 pm at 721 Progress Ave,
Unit #1 - Upper suite. This is a support evening open to any adult who has lost a loved one.

Regiopolis-Notre Dame Catholic High School:
Midterm report cards will be issued on Wednesday, November 17th. Regiopolis-Notre Dame High School presents: South Pacific. Performance dates are Wed. Dec. 1st to Sat. Dec. 4th. Tickets are $10 for students and $15 for adults. There will be special matinee pricing. For info call 613-545-1902

Holy Cross Secondary School is staging the musical PIPPIN. Performance dates are Wed. Nov. 24th until Sat. Nov. 27th in the cafetorium. Tickets are $10 for students and $12 for adults and are available at the door or in the front foyer of the school between 11:15 and 12:00 November 17th to 26th.

Catholic Women’s League Luncheon & Cards: on Sunday, November 21st after the 11:00 am Mass, hosted by the St. Joseph’s CWL. This fundraiser for the 89th CWL Convention, to be held in the spring, will provide homemade soup, sandwiches, dessert and beverage, along with an afternoon of card playing for $8.00 per person. Create your own tables and come for a delicious lunch and afternoon fun. Prizes will be awarded. To pre register call Betty 613-544-9366 or the parish office 613-547-5004 before November 15th.

Come and See Weekend at St. Peter’s Seminary
For single Catholic men 17 yrs and older. November 26-28 and March 4-6 at St. Peter’s Seminary in London, ON. Consider your calling in life while seeing what it is like to be called to the priesthood. There are times for prayer, reflection, discussion and leisure as seminary faculty and seminarians share their experiences of God’s call in their own lives.

My wife was in labour with our first child.
Things were going pretty well when suddenly she began to shout,
“Shouldn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, didn’t can’t”
Doctor, what’s wrong with my wife?”
“Nothing. She’s just having contractions.



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