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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

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 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 20, 2010
Memorial – St. Aloysius Gonzaga
Monday Jun  21 9:00 am Tim Coombs – Church
Tuesday Jun  22 9:00 am Deceased members of the Hanley Family-Church
Wednesday Jun  23 9:00 am Intentions of Fr. John Gillis – Church
Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
Thursday Jun  24 8:00 am Donna Soja- Church
Friday Jun  25 10:30 am
7:00 pm
Anna Speagle – Fairfield Nsg Home
Anne Carney – Church
Saturday Jun  26 5:30 pm Monica Brosso – Church
Sunday Jun  27 8:45 am
10:30 am
Deceased members of the Payne & Halligan Families – Church
Parishioners- St. Martha School
The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament.
This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns for a special intention.
If you wish to sponsor the Sanctuary Lamp for one week the cost is $10.00

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
It is easy to say we believe in Christ but we need to be ready to follow Him in our daily lives, which involves taking up our cross,
embracing suffering and often going against the tide of public opinion.
We find the cross everywhere in life; in parenthood, unemployment, or the death of a family member.
All we need to do is to carry our cross willingly by offering up our daily sufferings with those of Christ. 

Readings for 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time:  1st Reading: 1 Kings 19.16b, 19-21
                                                                            2nd Reading: Galations 5.1, 13-18
                                                                            Gospel: Luke 9.51-62
Listen to the Daily Readings on your computer

Summer Bulletins
There isn’t as much news over the summer months and therefore there will only be one bulletin in July and one bulletin in August.
All Sunday Masses will be published for the month.
Weekly Masses will be posted on the bulletin board.

New summer Mass Times!
from July 3 to August 29 all Masses will be held at Holy Name of Jesus Church.
Saturday - 5 pm
Sunday - 9 am
Sunday - 11 am
10:30 Masses will resume at St. Martha School on September 5th, 2010.

Thank you for praying for our armed forces .  Please continue to pray for those now serving in foreign lands: David Hannan & Mike McBride.

 Thank You to everyone who continues to bring food items every weekend for the St. Vincent DePaul Society. They report that our food is not on the shelf very long. Poor families are truly in need!!

Holy Name Parish Bible Camp: July 12th to 16th  from 9 am to noon at Holy Name School.  Children must be 4 years and older. Please call Cathie to register 613-531-4023.

Knights of Columbus Sponsored  Parish Golf Tournament:  Sept. 12th at Westbrook Golf Club.  This tournament is open to all parishioners of Holy name.  18 holes - $20 for kids (12 to 18 years)  and $37 for adults. You can also play 9 holes at a reduced cost. Tee off time will be 12:00 pm.  Please sign up at the back of the church and school by August 15th.  For more info call George Caron 613-549-5741.

Expenses and Regular Collections for the Month of May, 2010
Yearly expenses averaged over 12 months………………………………………………….$4,055.61
May Expenses and wages…………………………………………….……………………  9,063.57
Regular Collections for May………………………………………………………………. 12,206.00
                                                                                                Deficit……......……………   (913.18)
If you have any questions please call the parish office.

Closure of the Prison Farms: The Justice and Peace Commission of our Archdiocese urges parishioners to let the Federal Government know of their opposition to the closure of the 6 Prison Farms across Canada. We as a Commission strongly support the continued existence of these farms as do over 90 percent of Canadians. Studies have shown them to be a cost-effective way of feeding prisoners and of supporting the local communities in which they are located. They also assist in the rehabilitation of inmates. Please write or call your M.P. or the Prime Minister soon as they are scheduled to be closed shortly.  For more info please go to: www.saveourprisonfarms.ca.

Regi-Wear (Eco-friendly, Quality, Affordable Clothing):
Regi Wear Clothing Store is accepting donations of gently used RND uniform pieces. All proceeds from sales will be used to help the youth of our community.  Graduating students are strongly encouraged to consider recycling their uniform upon graduation. Consignments are also welcomed.  Please drop off donations to Student Services. Contact Lorraine Kennedy if you have any questions 613-545-1902 ext. 3999.

New Life Support Group:  will meet on Tuesday, June 22 from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at Diocesan Centre on Palace Rd.  Topic: Relating to Difficult People. Video. 
All faith denominations are welcome.

Chicken Barbeque: Annunciation of Mary Parish, Enterprise, on Saturday, July 10th from 4:00 – 7:00 pm.  Adults - $12, students up to age 12 - $6 and children 4 and under Free.

Billings LIFE Leaders in Fertility Education: All are welcome to come and learn about the gift of fertility. Info sessions, private appointments and guest speakers are available by contacting 613-544-8495. The Billings Ovulation Method assists couples throughout their married life in knowing and understanding their combined fertility and also assists young women in being fully informed about their bodies.

Interested in 2hr of volunteering per month? Our non-profit organization, “billings LIFE: Leaders in Fertility Education” is searching for a treasurer to assist us in spreading the good news of Natural Family Planning. Please call Anne Murray, Director of the Kingston Office to answer any of your questions 613-542-5729.

Prayer for Fathers
Lord, please take care of our dads.
Though they are brave and protective,
They must also be frightened sometimes.
When money runs low and when we need things,
Lord, when their hearts break because they can't do it all;
Please help us to let them know how much we love them.
And how much You love them.
Liturgy Schedule
June 26 &  27
5:30 pm
Basil Brosso Roseanne Hogan   
8:45 am
Cathy Townsend Lynda Crowe   
St Martha
10:30 am
Billy Ows C. Vanhorn & P. Stenson As Arranged

Our goal is to have at least 2 or 3 adorers or a family for each hour-
If you can give an hour to Jesus PLEASE call Shirley 613-548-3091 or Karla 613-546-0285

Statue of Mary ( please leave in the entrance after the Mass you attend – for the next family)
Please Sign Up in Entryway of Church!

Before I took the old family car to college, my father loaded the trunk with soft-drink bottles filled with oil, coolant and transmission fluid.
Sure enough, my car overheated.
Scolding myself for not listening to my father's instructions,
I looked at the engine and saw how well he knew me.
The oil cap was labeled Dr Pepper, the transmission stick, Coke, and the empty coolant container, Diet Pepsi.
I finished the trip safely.

Happy Fathers’ Day!



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