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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

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 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 13, 2010
Monday Jun  14 9:00 am Intentions of Fr. Cosmas Ajawara- Church
Tuesday Jun  15 9:00 am Intentions of Fr. Timothy Shea – Church
Wednesday Jun  16 9:00 am Intentions of Archbishop Brendan O’Brien  -St. Martha School
Friday Jun  18 9:00 am Intentions of Richard Whalen – Church
Saturday Jun  19 5:30 pm Intentions of Archbishop Francis Spence
Sunday Jun  20 8:45 am
10:30 am
Parishioners – Church
Anna Byrne – St. Martha School
The Sanctuary Lamp burns to remind us of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament.
This week the Sanctuary Lamp burns for a special intention.
If you wish to sponsor the Sanctuary Lamp for one week the cost is $10.00

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Many of us do not have a keen awareness of our own sins but we find no difficulty pointing out the faults of others.
The woman in today’s gospel shows us that no one is barred from receiving God’s forgiveness.
What Christ is asking of us is a totally forgiving attitude towards our neighbor and a deep awareness of our own personal need for forgiveness.

Readings for 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time:  1st Reading: Zechariah 12.10-11
                                                                            2nd Reading: Galatians 3.26-29
                                                                            Gospel: Luke 9.18-24
Listen to the Daily Readings on your computer

Summer Bulletins:  There isn’t as much news over the summer months and therefore there will only be one bulletin in July and one bulletin in August.
All Sunday Masses will be published for the month. Weekly Masses will be posted on the bulletin board.

Thank-You: to everyone who donated to and helped at the Parish Yard Sale!
The yard sale raised $1450; plants -$508.70; BBQ – $361.14; bake table $440.25.

Men’s Breakfast: Fr. Gillis will be hosting a men’s breakfast at 7:00 am on Thursday, June 17th at Mgsr Raby House.  Donation of $5.  There is a sign up sheet in the entryway of the Church and School.  Come and share breakfast and conversation on your way to work.

Thank you for praying for our armed forces.  Please continue to pray for those now serving in foreign lands: David Hannan & Mike McBride.

 Thank You to everyone who continues to bring food items every weekend for the St. Vincent DePaul Society. They report that our food is not on the shelf very long. Poor families are truly in need!!

Holy Name Parish Bible Camp: July 12th to 16th  from 9 am to noon at Holy Name School.  Children must be 4 years and older. Please call Cathie to register 613-531-4023.

Knights of Columbus Sponsored  Parish Golf Tournament:  Sept. 12th at Westbrook Golf Club.  This tournament is open to all parishioners of Holy name.  18 holes - $20 for kids (12 to 18 years)  and $37 for adults. You can also play 9 holes at a reduced cost. Tee off time will be 12:00 pm.  Please sign up at the back of the church and school by August 15th.  For more info call George Caron 613-549-5741.

Regi-Wear (Eco-friendly, Quality, Affordable Clothing):
Regi Wear Clothing Store is accepting donations of gently used RND uniform pieces. All proceeds from sales will be used to help the youth of our community.  Graduating students are strongly encouraged to consider recycling their uniform upon graduation. Consignments are also welcomed.  Please drop off donations to Student Services. Contact Lorraine Kennedy if you have any questions 613-545-1902 ext. 3999.

Wolfe Island Day Camp: open to children 5 to 12 years. Cost of registration is $125 per child for a one week session with a 10% discount for each additional week that a child is registered. Camp begins the week of July 5 and completes August 13. Activities include swimming, hiking, sports, games and crafts.   To register visit www.alcdsb.on.ca/widc.

New Life Support Group:  will meet on Tuesday, June 22 from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at Diocesan Centre on Palace Rd.  Topic: Relating to Difficult People. Video. 
All faith denominations are welcome.

Blessed Sacrament, Amherstview Home Cooked Beef Dinner:
Sunday,  June 20 at 5 pm. Advance ticket sales only.
Adults: $12 ; Children (6-12) $6.00; Family
(2 adults and children under 13): $35. For tickets call Paul 613-384-2671 or
Gary 613-384-7536.  Last date to purchase tickets: June 13th.

Fall Retreat for Catholic Women: is being offered the weekend of September 17-19, 2010 at Glen House Resort, east of Gananoque.  The theme of the retreat is “Just Ask”. The weekend will be a combination of inspiration and relaxation. The facilitator Anne Walsh is a gifted presenter, musician and storyteller. She is a director of Adult Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of St. John’s Nfld.  The retreat is being organized by a lay faith team of women from the Eastern Deanery. For info and to register call Margie Ann at 613-548-4461 or go to www.romancatholic.kingston.on.ca and follow the link.

Prayer for Priests

Most gracious Heavenly Father, We thank you for our faithful priests and bishops, whose spiritual fatherhood and example of fidelity, self-sacrifice, and devotion is so vital to the faith of your people.

May our spiritual fathers be guided by the examples of Saints Peter and Paul, all the Apostles and their saintly successors. Give them valiant faith in the face of confusion and conflict, hope in time of trouble and sorrow, and steadfast love for you, for their families, and for all your people throughout the world. May the light of your Truth shine through their lives and their good works.

Assist all spiritual fathers, that through your Grace they may steadily grow in holiness and in knowledge and understanding of your Truth. May they generously impart this knowledge to those who rely on them. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Liturgy Schedule
June 19 &  20
5:30 pm
Sheilagh Cybulski Mike Stenson   
8:45 am
Barbara Fleet Odette Denison   
St Martha
10:30 am
Susan Faris M. & P. Henserson As Arranged

Our goal is to have at least 2 or 3 adorers or a family for each hour-
If you can give an hour to Jesus PLEASE call Shirley 613-548-3091 or Karla 613-546-0285

Statue of Mary ( please leave in the entrance after the Mass you attend – for the next family)
Please Sign Up in Entryway of Church!

One time when I was home visiting my folks, my mom asked me to set the table for dinner.
I opened the refrigerator and taped to the inside of the door was a picture of a lovely, slender, perfectly built young woman.
"Mom, what's this?" I asked.
"Oh, I put that up there to remind me not to over-eat," she answered.
"Is it working?" I asked.
"Yes and no," she explained. "I've lost 15 pounds, but your dad has gained 20!"


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