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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

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33nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – November 15 , 2009
Saturday Nov 14 5:30 pm Parishioners – Church
Sunday Nov 15 8:45 am
10:30 am
Intentions of Donna Soja – Church
Ray Doyle – St. Martha School
Monday Nov  16 9:00 am Anthony Roosenmaallen
Tuesday Nov 17 9:00 am Sanctity of Life
Wednesday Nov 18 9:00 am Walter Smith – St Martha School
Friday Nov 20 8:00 am
9:00 am
Holy Hour
Harold Payne
Saturday Nov 21 5:30 pm Jack Schuett – Church
Sunday Nov 22 8:45 am
10:30 am
Parishioners – Church
Vivian Bolger – St. Martha School
33RD  Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s gospel brings our attention to the last judgement and while we cannot avoid  a sudden death,
we can take steps against an unprepared death by living each day carefully as if it is our last,
and by keeping God forever in our sights.

Thank You:   Holy Name Parish raised $330.00  for the Evangelization of Nations Collection.

Catholic Digest: The Church will no longer be subscribing to this publication. If you enjoy the Catholic Digest make sure you get a form out of the November issue for a personal subscription.

Young Adult musicians and singers needed for 7 pm Christmas Eve Mass: This year the 7pm Mass on Christmas Eve will be at the Church and the Young adults of our parish will be reading and providing the music.  If you are a youth and able to sing or play an instrument at this Mass, please call the parish office.

Knights of Columbus General Meeting is on Wednesday, November 18th at 7 pm in St. Joseph’s Room.

St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive: At all Masses on the first weekend of Advent (Nov. 28/29) the Knights of Columbus will have bags of groceries already purchased.  You can purchase these bags for St. Vincent de Paul at a cost of $5 each or you can bring your own bag and they will be placed in the St. Vincent Food Bin.  This is a great no hassle way to contribute to those in need!

Flower Donations for Christmas:  This year we will be accepting donations towards the purchase of flowers for the church during the Christmas Season that begins on the 25 of December.   I would ask that you not bring poinsettias or other flower arrangements but instead make a donation in the name of a loved one.  When the Christmas Bulletin is published it will contain the names of the loved ones who flowers have been placed in memory of, and the names of the donors.  Envelopes will be placed in the pews during the Advent season and you are asked to place them in the collection basket no later than December 20th .  Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

Craft Sale:  Holy Name Parish will be having a sale of Crafts, baked goods and preserves on Saturday, November 28 from 10 am to 2 pm as well as after 5:30 Mass, and on Sunday, November 29 from 9:45 am to 12 noon in St. Joseph’s Room.  Please come out, support the parish and do some Christmas Shopping!

Thank you for praying for our armed forces.  Please continue to pray for those now serving in foreign lands: Carl Turenne & David Hannon.

November Month of the Faithfully Departed:  Please remember to pray for the repose of the souls of the faithfully departed in the month of November.  Remember as well that a Plenary indulgence may be gained (the washing away of all the temporal punishment from the effects of sin) by visiting a cemetery and praying for the deceased, praying for the intention of the Holy Father and receiving the sacrament of reconciliation within 7 days.

Eucharistic Adoration in St. James Chapel at St. Mary’s Cathedral: Sunday 1-9 pm, Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 9 pm, Saturday 8:15 am to 5 pm.  Every day in St. James Chapel a great gift is available to all- the opportunity to spend time in the true presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Additional Adorers are needed. Please call Karen at  613-541-5010 ext.8071 or at 613-542-8321.

Entertainment to Seniors’ Committee: of the St. Joseph’s Pastoral Council is sponsoring an afternoon of musical entertainment, featuring the local talent of Chris Murphy and Jon McLurg in St. Joseph’s parish hall on Palace Rd. on Thursday, December 3rd from 1 to 3 pm.  The program will feature songs from their newly released Christmas CD, “Follow the Star”. This CD, along with their other releases will be available for sale. Please come and bring a friend for an afternoon of Christmas Cheer. Refreshments will be served; a free will offering would be appreciated. For further info, please call Marie 613-542-0653.

Advent Supper & Evening of Reflection: Thursday, December 3, 5-9 pm at Providence Spirituality Centre with Pauline Lally ,SP General Superior of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul. Join us for a prayer filled, contemplative evening. Call  613-542-8826 to register. Cost: $25 includes a delicious Advent supper.

Advent Retreat Weekend: “A Journey to Jerusalem” from Friday, December 4th @7pm to Sunday, December 6 , 1pm at Providence Spirituality Centre with Deacon Bill Gervais. Advent is a spiritual journey that leads to Bethlehem. Enter into this season as pilgrims on route to stand at the manger. Meet interesting personalities and visit fascinating places where beauty and power of the Advent season unfolds. Call 613-542-8826 to register. Cost: $150 includes silent retreat, accommodations and meals.

Organist Needed: The Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph are in need of an organist. This person would hopefully be available for Mass on Sunday (8:15 am) and fro special Feast Days, Funerals and Celebrations. If interested please contact Sr. Sheila Bosse at 613-389-0275.

Prayer for Priests
Eternal God, please bless our priests, who represent you on this earth.
Make them more greatly aware of the grace that you pour out through them when they minister the sacraments,
and help them to fall more deeply in love with You after each and every Mass that they celebrate.
Please strengthen our priests, who shepherd your flock,
when they are in doubt of their faith, that they may be examples of your Truth and guide us always on the path to you.
We ask these things of You our eternal Priest.  Amen.
Liturgy Schedule
November 21 &  22
5:30 pm
Irma Stuart As Arranged
8:45 am
Lorne Glasspoole   B. Bouvier  & C. MacDougall
St Martha
10:30 am
Colleen Bennett Phil Henderson As Arranged

Our goal is to have at least 2 or 3 adorers or a family for each hour-
If you can give an hour to Jesus PLEASE call Shirley 613-548-3091 or Karla 613-546-0285

Statue of Mary ( please leave in the entrance after the Mass you attend – for the next family)
            The week of November 15 prayers will be offered in the Turenne Home

One rainy evening, my husband, John, and I emerged from a restaurant only to find that he had locked the keys in the car.
He insisted he could open the door with a wire coat hanger, so we went back to the restaurant to get one.
There were none to be found.
John then ran to a department store a quarter-mile away and returned with a hanger.
After a few attempts, he got the door open and we climbed in.
As we sat there, soaked and cold, he stuck the hanger under his seat.
With a smug grin, he said, “Now if this ever happens again, I’ll have one.”


Funeral Information


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