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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

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27th  Sunday in Ordinary Time – October 4, 2009
Saturday Oct    3 5:30 pm Florence Laudanski – Church
Sunday Oct    4 8:45 am
10:30 am
Ed & Mary Muldoon – Church
Parishioners – St. Martha School
Saturday Oct  10 5:30 pm Caryl Fardella – Church
Sunday Oct  11 8:45 am
10:30 am
Donald MacDonald – Church
Parishioners – St. Martha School
27th  Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s gospel warns us that hardness of heart ruptures relationships between man and woman.
 It encourages us to walk this earth with humility, in relationships marked by love, acceptance, justice and responsibility.

Remembrance of our Faithfully Departed in Month of November
There will be a Book of Remembrance placed at the entry where you may write names of loved ones who you wish prayed for on All Souls Day and in the month of November. 

There will also be an evening for widows of the parish on Friday, November 13th.
There will be a Mass followed by supper for those who are registered (through the sponsorship of the Knights of Columbus).
Those widows wishing to attend please notify the parish office by October 15th.

Bulletin Changes:  We are thinking about changing the format of the bulletin.  If anyone is interested in advertising their business card in the bulletin, please call the parish office for more information.

Catholic Women’s League: general meeting on Wednesday, October 7th at 7 pm in St. Joseph’s Room. There will be a 50/50 draw with proceeds going to birthright.  Speaker – Marie Sardinha, Director of Birthright.

Communion Breakfast:  Sunday, October 25, noon – at Rideau Acres.  Our guest speaker will be Kathryn Wood of Natural Capitol Resources, and she will speak on wind and solar power.  Tickets are on sale this weekend after every Mass. $10 / person or $30 / family  (19 yrs and older considered adult).

The Catholic Women’s League Annual Diocesan Retreat: Saturday, Oct. 24 from 9 am to 3 pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.  Theme – Women of Peace and Hope.
Speaker – Father Michael Coutts, S.J. popular homilist on Vision T.V.  Registration and refreshments: $8.00, Brown Bag lunch.  All catholic women are warmly invited to attend.  For more info. contact Marjorie Facette 613-267-5925 or marjoriefacette@sympatico.ca

Thank you for praying for our armed forces.  Please continue to pray for those now serving in foreign lands: Carl Turenne & David Hannon.

Thank you to all who continue to bring food items every weekend for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. They report that our food is not on the shelf very long.  Poor families are truly in need. Thank you for helping them.

Do you know someone, or would you like to become a member of the Catholic Church?
Please contact Father Gillis about a program that will begin this fall!

Regiopolis-Notre Dame Catholic High School: Early progress report cards will be issued Friday, - October 9th and parent-teacher interviews will be held Thursday – October 15th 3-5:30 pm and
6:30 – 8:30pm & Wednesday – October 21st 6:30 – 8:30pm.

St. Mary’s Cemetery, Divine Mercy Mausoleum and Columbarium Annual Meeting: 7pm at the Diocesan Centre on Palace Rd. on Tuesday, October 6, 2009.  Open to Public.

Attention Seniors: On Thursday, October 8th , from 1:00 to 3:00 pm, the “Entertainment to Seniors Committee” of the St. Joseph’s Parish Council will provide an afternoon of musical entertainment, featuring the local talent of Chris Murphy and Jon McLurg, in celebration of Thanksgiving.  Seniors are welcome to join us in the parish hall for an opportunity to enjoy local talent and light refreshments. Come and bring a friend or two! A free-will offering will be accepted.

Dealing with Difficult Times: Looking for Creative Solutions – A workshop of the Justice & Peace Commission on October 17th from 9 am to 3 pm at St. Paul the Apostle Church on Taylor Kidd Blvd.  Cost $10.00 payable at the door. To register please contact Gorett at the Diocesan Centre 613-548-4461

St. Patrick’s, Railton and St. Mary’s, Odessa Catholic Women’s League: are having a Harvest Tea and Bazaar in the church hall, 3977 Sydenham Rd. on Saturday, October 17, 2009, 10:00 am to 3 pm. Come out for the tea room, baked goods, crafts, decorations and some fun.

An Introduction to Prison Ministry: Thursday evenings, 7 to 9 pm, October 15 to November 16. Cost: $25.  For more information and registration forms contact Margie Ann McKinnon or Gorett at 613-548-4461 or email ore@romancatholic.kingston.on.ca.  Registration forms are due by Friday, October 9.   (See Church Bulletin Board)

Kingston Twenties and Thirties Group
A group of young adults in Kingston is seeking to connect with other young Catholics in their twenties and thirties, both married and single, in order to grow together in the Catholic faith through spiritual, social, educational and service activities.  This is in response to the Holy Father’s message to young people at the 2005 World Youth Day celebration in Cologne, Germany, “There is an urgent need for the emergence of a new generation of apostles anchored firmly in the Word of Christ.”
The Kingston Twenties and Thirties group is planning to have its first meeting for young adults attending Kingston Parishes on Friday, October 30, 2009.  This event will include a potluck dinner, a guest speaker, and a spiritual exercise such as a group rosary or a Lectio Divinia-style bible study. For more information, please email Kingston.tandt@gmail.com or telephone 613-888-6353.

Liturgy Schedule
October 10 &  11
5:30 pm
Tracy Ringrose Mary Mayfield No Children’s
8:45 am
John Uliana Cecile Gould Liturgy
St Martha
10:30 am
Julie Campbell B. Ows & L. Williams As Arranged

Our goal is to have at least 2 or 3 adorers or a family for each hour-
If you can give an hour to Jesus PLEASE call Shirley 613-548-3091 or Karla 613-546-0285

Statue of Mary ( please leave in the entrance after the Mass you attend – for the next family)
            The week of October 4 prayers will be offered in the home of Pauline Burns
            The week of October 11 prayers will be offered in the Vuk Home

For the kids
How did Noah see the animals in the Ark at night?
With Flood Lights!



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