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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 16, 2009
Saturday Aug  15 5:30 pm Roger & Shirley Levac –In Thanksgiving –Church
Sunday Aug  16 8:45 am
10:30 am
Anthony Corrigan – Church
Parishioners – St. Martha School
Monday Aug  17 9:00 am Joe & Maria Melo
Tuesday Aug  18 9:00 am Paul Laforet
Wednesday Aug  19 9:00 am Anthony Roosenmaallen
Friday Aug  21 8:00 am
9:00 am
Holy Hour
William Guay
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 23, 2009
Saturday Aug  22 5:30 pm Tom & Adriana Stenson – Church
Sunday Aug  23 8:45 am
10:30 am
Parishioners – Church
Maria Ross – St. Martha School
Monday Aug  24 9:00 am Judy Wright
Tuesday Aug  25 9:00 am Reg Park
Wednesday Aug  26 9:00 am Shirley Denis
Friday Aug  28 8:00 am
9:00 am
10:30 am
Holy Hour
Mary Lynch
Dorothy Flowers – Fairfield Nsg Home
Saturday Aug  29 5:30 pm Deceased Members of the Carey / Draper Families
Sunday Aug  30 8:45 am
10:30 am
Desmond & Anne Doyle – Church
Parishioners – St. Martha School

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Today’s gospel tells us that Jesus offers us His Body and Blood as necessary spiritual food for our journey through life.
In the Eucharist we are offered the life that Jesus shares with God the Father.
Without frequent return to the Bread of Life, we are unable to keep the Spirit of Christ alive in our hearts.
 Discernment Prayer Group: We need volunteers to become members of a discernment prayer group to seek God’s will for the good of Holy Name Parish.  Please write a short introduction and reasons why you would like to be part of this group. General response will determine meeting time and frequency.  Please indicate best times for you in your profile.

New Lectionary: The Canadian Council of Bishops has approved a new Lectionary.  If you would like to sponsor this Lectionary in memory of a loved one please call the Parish Office.

Bazaar News: There is not going to be a bazaar at Holy Name Parish year.  Instead, there will be a smaller sale of crafts, preserves and baked goods in St. Joseph Room on Saturday November 28th from 10 am to 2 pm and after 5:30 Mass, and on Sunday November 29th  from 9:45 am  to 12:00 noon.

Bulletin Changes:  We are thinking about changing the format of the bulletin.  If anyone is interested in advertising their business card in the bulletin, please call the parish office for more information.

Volunteers Needed: to be part of a property management committee.  Volunteers should have experience in property management or building construction. Please see Fr. Gillis.

Knights of Columbus: general meeting will take place on Wednesday, Sept. 9 at 7:30 pm  in St. Joseph’s Room.

Catholic Women’s League: will meet on Wednesday, September 2 in St. Joseph’s Room.
More Information to follow.

The Parish Prayer Network: consists of more than 50 parishioners who pray for you each day.  They also pray for people in need and for special intentions.  If you would like to join the Prayer Network, or if you have an intention for the Prayer Network please call Christine at the parish office.

Thank you for praying for our armed forces .  Please continue to pray for those now serving in foreign lands: Carl Turenne & David Hannon.

Thank you to all who continue to bring food items every weekend for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. They report that our food is not on the shelf very long.  Poor families are truly in need. Thank you for helping them.

JUSTICE & PEACE CORNER: Insights from Pope Benedict XVI’s recent encyclical “Caritas in Veritate” (www.vatican.va) “Charity in truth is the principal driving force behind the authentic development of every person and all of humanity. Love is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace.” (#1) Have you thought of love as the driving force in your own integral development and in your work for the development of others?

Bereaved Families of Ontario
Family Night will be held on Tuesday, August 18th at 7:30 pm 721 Progress Ave, upper level.  The topic is “Social, Family and Work Relationships.”  The facilitators are Harvey Reed and Karen Vonhone.  All adults who have lost a child, parent, sibling, or spouse are welcome to attend.     -    Mourning Coffee is a drop in time for any bereaved person or volunteers to join us at the BFO office to visit with other bereaved persons.  Our first drop-in morning will be Aug. 20th from 10 – 11 am.  This is not a facilitated program but rather a visiting time in a quiet setting.

Saint Andrew School of Evangelization:  Fr. Richard Whalen has been involved in a new program that encourages and instructs laypeople on how to “Evangelize.” This program has its roots in Mexico and people of the Western Deanery have been attending sessions for two years (about 40 people from St. Michaels, St. Peters and other churches) and they are now ready to start helping others in spreading the Gospel in this new and exciting way.  Archbishop O’Brien has approved this new program and I will be attending myself to see what we can gain.  I would like to encourage anyone interested in this program to attend a general session open to the public on Tuesday 8 September at 7:00 pm until 9:00 pm at St. Michael’s Church, 296 Church St. Belleville, ON.   NO REGISTRATION NECESSASRY.
Youth “Alpha”:  This is an invitation to attend a planning session for a youth Alpha which will be held at St. Paul’s parish this coming fall.  The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday August 19th -7 pm at St. Paul’s on Taylor-Kidd Blvd. 613-389-8222.  The meeting will be held in meeting room B located in the basement of the parish hall.
Youth Alpha is scheduled to begin, Wednesday September 23rd and it has 10 weekly sessions with a weekend retreat set around the 4th to 6th sessions. For more information please call Anne Heemskerk at the Diocesan Office 613-548-4461 or email youth@romancatholic.kingston.ca.

Knowing God Better:  The Education Committee of St. Joseph’s Parish presents “Knowing God Better” on Tuesdays, from 15 September – 27 October, from 3:45 – 5:00 pm, in the Parish Hall, (preceding the 5:15 pm Mass).  We invite all those who would like to deepen their faith understanding to participate in this series designed to bring Catholics together to learn, grow and share their faith.  No registration is required and attendance at each session is not mandatory.

Pilgrimage to Montreal: on Thursday, 24 September 2009, there will be a one day pilgrimage to St. Joseph’s Oratory in Montreal.  The bus departs from St. Joseph’s parking lot in Kingston at 8:00 am.  There will be plenty of time to tour the Oratory.  Holy Mass will be at 12:15 pm in English. 
Cost is $30.00. Seats will be filled on a first come first-paid basis.  For more info contact Marie Robinson at 613-542-0653.

Holy Cross High School will be hosting a Giant Yard Sale in support of the 2010 Jamaica Mission Trip on Saturday, September 26th.  If you have items to donate please call Chris Forster at the school 613-384-1919 ext. 3426.

Liturgy Schedule
August 22 &  23
5:30 pm
Greg Farrington G. Caron & R. Hogan No Children’s Liturgy
8:45 am
Bob Bouvier H. Lahaie & O. Denison over the summer months
St Martha
10:30 am
Julie Campbell Phil & Marjorie Henderson  

Liturgy Schedule
August 29 &  30
5:30 pm
Gary Richards B. Brosso & J. Richards No Children’s Liturgy
8:45 am
Shannon Mulholland B. Fleet & C. Gould over the summer months
St Martha
10:30 am
Susan Faris B. Ows & Laura Raycraft   

Our goal is to have at least 2 or 3 adorers or a family for each hour-
If you can give an hour to Jesus PLEASE call Shirley 613-548-3091 or Karla 613-546-0285

Statue of Mary ( please leave in the entrance after the Mass you attend – for the next family)
            The week of August 16 prayers will be offered in the Gould Home
            The week of August 23 prayers will be offered in the Murray / Low Home
            The week of August 30 prayers will be offered in the Bryan Home

Difference between men & women
A woman knows all about her children.
She knows about dentist appointments and soccer games and romances and best friends and favourite foods and secret fears and hopes and dreams.
A man is vaguely aware of some short people living in the house.


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