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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

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18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 3, 2008
Saturday Aug   2 5:30 pm Nelda Belanger - Church
Sunday Aug   3 8:45 am
10:30 am
Bessie Nolan - Church
Parishioners - St. Martha School
Tuesday Aug   5 10:30 am Fr. Jim McGarvey
Wednesday Aug   6 10:00 am Shirley Denis
Friday Aug   8 10:30 am Carl St. Cyr - Fairmount Nsg Home
Saturday Aug   9 5:30 pm Parishioners - Church
Sunday Aug 10 8:45 am
10:30 am
Orville Villeneuve - Church
Barbara Mulville - St. Martha School
18th Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the Gospel story of the “loaves and fishes”Jesus puts aside his own needs to minister to others.
Jesus tells the disciples themselves to feed the people.
Every time we share bread in the Eucharist we hear the words “Do this in memory of me”.
Jesus calls us to share not only our bread but our very selves.
Even humble offerings, in the hands of Jesus can become a miracle.

LOST & FOUND A rosary and change purse were found at the Parish fish fry and have not been claimed.  Please call the Parish office to identify.

Many Thanks to the Priests who are taking care of Holy Name while Father Cosmas is away.  Father Charles Enyinnia from Holy Family will be saying three Masses during the week, Father Don Cummings is with us this weekend and Father Lloyd Cummings will be joining us next weekend and will be doing weekend Masses until Fr. Cosmas returns.

NOVENA: Pauline Burns will be leading a Novena to the Blessed Virgin in St. Joseph’s Room on Wednesdays, at 1:00 pm until September 10th.  Please join us any Wednesday you are available!  Prayers will be offered for parishioners and anyone else who wishes to attend.  Everyone welcome!

Thank you to all who continue to bring food items every weekend for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.  They report that our food is not on the shelf very long.  Poor families are truly in need.  Thank you for helping them. (Matthew 25:35" I was hungry and you fed me”.)

Thank you for praying for our Armed Forces
The following have returned home safely: 
Serge St. Jacques,  Brody Macdonald,  Boyd Carter,  Mike McBride, Will Graydon , Robert Olivier,
Steve Mariano, David Hannan, Charles Rae & Sam Mizuno.
Please continue to pray for those now serving in  foreign lands:
M. Engle, M. Batley,  Mike Archibald, Ed O’Brien, Jeff Winters, Colin LeBlanc,
John Andrews, Brad Post, Sonny Hatton & Brandon Kew.   
Keep praying for the safe return of all those serving overseas.

The Parish Prayer Network consists of over 50 parishioners who pray for you each day.  They also pray for people in need and for special intentions.  If you would like to join the prayer network, or if you have an intention for the prayer network please call 613-546-0418

New Life Group
a Catholic Ministry for the separated and divorced will hold it’s next meeting on Tuesday, August 5th  from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at the Diocesan Centre, 390 Palace Rd. -“Facing Reality” - Facilitator: Dr. B. McConville.
All faith denominations welcome!

Over the summer enjoy a quiet day! Monday to Saturday
Come apart and savour the peace!
$10.00 includes lunch - $25.00 includes a private day room
Please call to register 613-542-8826.

Bereaved Families of Ontario will hold their monthly Mothers night on Tuesday, August 12th, starting at 7:30 pm at 721 Progress Ave, Unit #1.
The facilitator is Heather Johnston & Ursula Thompson and the topic is “Receiving Ongoing support from others” All mothers who have lost a child through death are welcome to come and share their feelings and concerns.  For more information please call (613) 634-1230

St. Laurence O’Toole Parish in Spencerville
invites everyone to help them celebrate their 125th Anniversary, Sunday, August 24th.
Archbishop Brendan O’Brien will celebrate a special anniversary Mass in the church at 3 pm,
followed by a dinner in the Drummond building at the Spencerville fair grounds.
Dinner tickets at $15 for adults, $5 for children 7-18 and free for children 6 and under,
are available by calling Marion at 613-925-5233 or Arlene at 613-658-2709.
Deadline for purchasing dinner tickets is August 10.

Prayer for Vocations
O God, who has chosen the Apostles to propagate the faith & to establish Your Holy Church throughout the world, we earnestly beseech You to choose from amongst our people many priests, deacons, religious brothers and sisters and lay persons who will gladly devote their entire lives making You known and loved by all.  Through the intercession of our Blessed Lady, we ask this through Christ our Lord.

It is our goal to have at least 2 or 3 adorers or a family for each hour -
If you can give an  hour to Jesus PLEASE call   Shirley - 613-548-3091 or Karla 613-546-0285

Liturgy Schedule
August 9 & 10
5:30 pm
Ron Arsenault M. Laudanski & J. Richards No Children’s Liturgy
8:45 am
Patricia Croxford P. Burns & J. Grodzinski over the summer months
St Martha
10:30 am
Michelle Winters C. Hatton & J. Langlois  

Statue of Mary (Please leave in the entrance after the Mass you attend - for the next family).
        The week of August 3rd Prayers will be offered in the home of Lois Halligan
        The week of August 10th Prayers will be offered in the Richardson / Snider Home

One day a housework-challenged husband decided to wash his own sweatshirt.
Seconds after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to his wife, “ What setting do I use on the washing machine?”
“It depends,” she replied. “What does it say on your sweatshirt?”
He yelled back, “Nike.”

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