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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3 

Previous Bulletin
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2nd Sunday of Lent
Saturday Feb  16 5:30 pm Jeff Kennedy - Church
Sunday Feb  17 8:45 am
10:30 am
Parishioners - Church
Jean Doyle - St Martha School
Monday Feb  18 9:30 am Reita & Ray Quinlan
Tuesday Feb  19 9:30 am Shannon Lees
Wednesday Feb  20 7:00 pm Olga Kyle
Thursday Feb  21 7:00 pm Shirley Denis
Friday Feb  22 10:30 am
7:00 pm
7:30 pm
David Stone - Fairfield Nsg Home
Stations of the Cross
Johnnie Brooks
Saturday Feb  23 5:30 pm Monsignor Canice Foran - Church
Sunday Feb  24 8:45 am
10:30 am
Sean Mackle - Church
2nd Sunday of Lent
For each of us, Lent is a time of transformation, a time for growth into decipleship.
Through the challenges of Lent, we learn to see with Jesus’ eyes,
to discern needs and to respond freely in love to the many faces of pain and poverty we encounter.

Lay Faith Development Committee
Holy Name is looking for a representative to serve on the Lay Faith Development Committee which meets once every two months at the Diocesan Centre.  The representative acts as a link between our Parish and the Archdicese, and other parishes within it.  Meetings typically consist of an information component about upcoming events like World Youth Day and the Eucharistic Congress, and a round-table sharing of the various faith-based activities each parish is currently offering.  For further information about this committee, please go to: http://www.romancatholic.kingston.on.ca and click on Lay Faith.  If you are interested in serving on this committee please contact Fr. Shea.

Finance Committee Meeting, Monday, February 25, 7:30 pm.

Mission Committee Meeting, Tuesday, February 26, at 7:30 pm.

Children’s Liturgy Leaders: Special meeting on Wednesday, February 27th.  Details to come.

Youth Group is having an overnight retreat “Thinkfast” on Saturday, March 1st and Sunday, March 2nd.  Call the office for more information.

First Confession Celebrations:
-Monday March 3, 7:00 pm for Holy Name Students
-Tuesday, March 4, 7:00 pm for St. Martha Students

Catholic Women’s League
Dues ($15.00) are being collected for 2008. Envelopes are at the back of the church and can be placed in the collection basket at Mass.
New members are always welcome.

SILENT AUCTION - All ladies are invited to a SILENT AUCTION / DRAW & SOCIAL to raise money for “Buy-A-Net” & Fight against Aids in Africa on Wednesday, March 5, 2008 in St. Joseph’s Room of Msgr. Raby House.  Sposored by C.W.L.

Annual Parish Fish Fry, Friday, March 28 at Rideau Acres.
Proceeds to help our Parish African projects.
Tickets will be available starting March 1st.

Thank you for praying for our Armed Forces
The following have returned home safely: 
Serge St. Jacques, Brody Macdonald,  Boyd Carter,  Mike McBride, Will Graydon, and Pat Norwood
Please continue to pray for those now serving in foreign lands
M. Engle, M. Batley,  Mike Archibald, Steve Mariano , David Hannan, Charles Rae,  Ed O’Brien, Robert Olivier,  Jeff Winters & Sam Mizuno
Keep praying for the safe return of all those serving overseas.

Thank you to all who continue to bring food items every weekend for the St. Vincent de Paul Society.  They report that our food is not on the shelf very long.  Poor families are truly in need.  Thank you for helping them. (Matthew 25:35" I was hungry and you fed me”.)

The Parish Prayer Network consists of over 50  parishioners who pray for you each day.  They also pray for people in need and for special intentions.  If you would like to join the Prayer Network, or if you have an intention for the Prayer Network  please call  613-546-0418   

New Life Group A Catholic Ministry for the Separated and Divorced will meet Tuesday,  Feb 19, 2008
from 7:30 to 9:30 pm at t he Diocesan Centre. Deborah Swartz will be speaking on “Legal Issues”

Bereaved Families of Ontario will meet on Tuesday, February 19th, at 7:30 pm,
at 721 Progress Ave, Unit 1.  The facilitator is Dr. Phillip Carney and the topic is
“Anger and Guilt: The Uncomfortable Emotions”. 
For more information call (613) 634-1230

Campaign Life Coalition will host a meeting in Kingston on Thursday, February 21, 2008 at the Kingston Public Library (Wilson Room) at 7:00 pm.  Guest speaker will be Mr. Jim Hughes, National President of CLC and Vice-President of International Right to Life.  For more information call (613) 389-4472.

Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Kingston Music Ministry is delighted to present
“An Evening of Praise”, featuring the renowned Cantabile choir, on Sunday,
February 24, 2008, at 7:30 p.m., at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Kingston. 
Tickets- $20.00/person.  613-389-3085.

The National Catholic Mission will be on Vision TV. on Monday,  March 3, and Tuesday,  March 4,  at  7:00 pm.  Father Rolheiser, A Canadian Oblate Priest and Rector of the Oblate School of Theology in  San Antonio, Texas is the Preacher both nights..

Pilgrimage to Italy - Lead by Father Ray Vickers on May 22 to June 3, 2008.  Mass will be celebrated at many important places, including an audience with the Pope,
St. Peter’s Cathedral, Padre Pio’s Shrine, the Churches in Rome, the Catacombs and more.. Cost: $3,199.00 from Toronto.  Please call Fr. Vickers at 613-389-3797 or Ruth at 1-800-736-1285 (Seven Hills Tours).

You are invited to a very special, spiritual event:
 The International Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City, June 15-22.
Catholics from all over the world will be there.
Check out the website: ww.cei2008.ca  
If you are going to the Eucharistic Congress:
1.  Register at website
2. Contact Margie Ann McKinnon at the Diocesan Centre to arrange train, accommodations, and details for Kingston group.  She will answer all your questions.
3.  Inform Parish Office that you are registered.
45 people from the Archdiocese of Kingston have registered.
For more information please contact Margie Ann at 613-548-4461

Liturgy Schedule
February 23 & 24
5:30 pm
Tracy Ringrose M. Halladay & R. Hogan L. Emmerson & F. Carey
8:45 am
Barbara Fleet O. Denison & J. Nooyen B. Bouvier & K. Grodzinski
St Martha
10:30 am
Andre Tan J. Langlois & C. Vanhorn As Scheduled

Statue of Mary (Please leave in the entrance after the Mass you attend - for the next family).
        The week of February 17th prayers will be offered in the Miller Home.
    The week of February 24 prayers will be offered in the home of Bryce and Pauline Burns

It is our goal to have at least 2 or 3 adorers or a family for each hour
If you can give an hour to Jesus PLEASE call   Shirley - 613-548-3091

The Reverend Douglas Johnston was not the best of drivers.
One Sunday he was driving home from church when unfortunately, he had a minor bump with a cyclist.
The poor man was knocked off his bike into the ditch.
The Reverend naturally stopped his car, got out and profusely apologised and gave the cyclist his card
saying that if he could ever be of help, then the man should not hesitate to ask.
As the man rode home he looked at the card which said, ‘The Reverend Douglas Johnston is sorry he missed you today.’

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