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Telephone: (613) 546-0418 • Fax: (613)546-4626
 Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 950 Old Kingston Mills Road, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L 4V3

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20th Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 20, 2006
Saturday Aug  19 5:30 pm James and Marie Rose Newman-Church
Sunday Aug  20 8:45 am
10:30 am
Intentions of Barbara Fleet-Church
Parishioners-St. Martha School
Wednesday Aug  23 7:00 pm Austin and Mabel Smith
Friday Aug  25 10:30 am Fairfield Nursing Home-Rev Harold Wiley
Saturday Aug  26 5:30 pm Michael Jesus
Sunday Aug  27 8:45 am
10:30 am
Murray Fleet
20th Sunday Ordinary Time- August 20, 2006
Wisdom is listening to Jesus.  “ Very, truly, I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.  Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise them up on the last day; for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink.  Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.” We would be wise to meditate on what Jesus tells us.

     Statue of Mary (Please leave in the entrance after the Mass you attend - for the next family)
           The week of August 20 prayers will be offered in the home of the Richardson/Snider family.
           The week of August  27 prayers will be offered in the home of Steve & Shirley Coombs.

If you can give an hour to Jesus -  please call Shirley - 548-3091 or Karla - 546-0418

Mission Committee Meeting- Tuesday, August 22, 6:00 pm in St. Joseph’s room
Parish Council Meeting - Thursday, Sept. 7, 7:30 pm-St. Joseph’s room to plan events and activities for our parish throughout the coming year.

Seniors’ Bridge is taking place this summer.  It is  organized by Lois Halligan with help from Helen Payne & Margaret Carey.  The last date is Aug 30. It will begin at 11:30 am in St Joseph’s Room.  A delicious lunch is served.  If any parishioners would like to assist, please call Lois Halligan - 548-3168.

Again this year, starting September 12 we will have Tuesday Night Faith classes.  If you are interested please sign the list at the back of the church indicating your preferred format: Alpha (excellent videos of Christian Basics); Knowing God Better ( Excellent video of the Catholic Faith); or Bible Study (Fr. Shea's bible study on the book of Revelation). We will have the most popular choice.
doteasy.com - free web hosting. Free hosting with no banners.

Parish Eucharistic Devotions will be October 22nd-24th at 7:00 pm.  Please reserve those evenings to hear the guest preacher.

The parish celebration of the sacrament of confirmation will be at St. Mary’s Cathedral on Thursday, November 2nd at 7:00 pm.  Registration will be at meetings for grade 7 & 8 students and their parents on September 25th and 27th.

Monsignor Raby House is a great house with seven bedrooms.  If you use church envelopes, and have visitors coming for a weekend phone the office to make arrangements to look at the facilities and reserve the room(s) for your visitors to stay.

The committee planning a  possible church in Greenwood Park continues to meet, to collect information, etc. Results will be presented to the parish in October.
Please check the mailbox in the church entrance  or the table in the entrance at St. Martha for your  Baptismal Certificate.  If you still haven’t received your certificate,  please call the office.
Parish Prayer Network over 50 parishioners pray for you each day.  They are our Parish Prayer Network.  They also pray for people in need & for special intentions.  If you would like to join the Prayer Network, or if you have an intention for the Prayer Network please call 546-0418.

Special Night for our Parish Prayer Network: Holy Hour(including mass) 7:00 pm, Thursday, September  14.
All are invited, especially new volunteers to be part of the prayer network.

       If anyone is interested in taking instructions to become Catholic, call Fr. Shea at (613)546-0418

Liturgy Schedule
Aug 26/27
5:30 pm
P. Marshall C. Adam M. Mayfield
K. Nichols
There will be no
Children’s Liturgy
8:45 am
P. Burns J. Uliana J. Grodzinski
H. Lahaie
at the church or at
St Martha
St. Martha School
10:30 am
as arranged P. Cooper L. Williams
P. Murphy
during the
summer months

Steve Cumpsty    Mr. Batley    Mr. Engle    Pat Norwood    Andrew Nicholson    Howard Han
Howie Nelson    Darcy Wright    Tyler  Kennedy    Bill Fletcher    Steve Gallagher
Bob Meade    Andrew Charchuk    Brody MacDonald

Birthright Annual Fall Yard Sale- Saturday, Septmeber 9 at St. Josephs’s Church on Palace Road.  Baked goods will be sold.  Anyone wanting to donate any gently used items or contribute to the bake table please call the office at 613-546-5433 or Marie at 613-547-0878.  Birthright Needs Volunteers - you can pick your own hours - two hours a week, 4 hours a month.  Please call Marie at 547-0878 to volunteer or for more information.  Thanks.

New Life Group Meeting: a Catholic Ministry for the Separated and Divorced on Tuesday August 22 7:30-9:30 at the Diocesan Centre, 390 Palace Road.  Moving Forward: Reawakenings. Video and Discussion
All faith denominations are welcome.

The Natural Family Planning Association will hold open information sessions each month until December at St. Paul the Apostle Parish, on the third Monday of each month.  Information sessions will be from 7-8 pm with opportunity for private consultation from 8-9 pm.  To reserve a time call 544-8495.  August 21:  Managing fertility, naturally, while breastfeeding.  Learn what affects your returning fertility.  September 18: Fertility and stress. You are still normal!  October 16: Understanding the changes to menopause: a time to remember. November 20: An all girls’ night for Moms and Teens: understanding fertility from menarche to menopause. December 18: Contraception, why not?

Pilgrimage to the Canadian Martyr’s Shrine- Saturday, September 23rd. Coach bus leaves St. Barnaby’s Church at 6:30 am and returns approx. 8:30 pm.  Transportation and entrance to shrine is $50. 00 per person.  Please contact Joe Hamilton- 387-2692 or Holy Family Church- 542-8587 for tickets.  Deadline is August 21st.
Thinking about Separation or Divorce?- is your marriage heading for divorce?  Do you know how to save your marriage?  Or do you feel helpless?  Retrouvaille is designed to help marriages regain their health.  It helps spouses uncover or re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally brought them together.  The program has been successful in saving “hurting “ marriages and bringing reconciliation to couples who have already separated.  For confidential information about and/or to register for the September 29-October 1 weekend, call(613)545-1988.

Congratulations to Margaret and John Uliana who are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary!

Introducing Possibilities for Liturgical Ministry in Parishes” This workshop will look at the possible roles that lay people might have in the liturgical and sacramental life of their parish, working in conjunction with their pastor.  These roles include Baptism, Confirmation, First Communion preparation teams, praying with the sick, assisting families with preparation of parish liturgies, such as baptisms, funerals, weddings, and prayer services in nursing homes.  This workshop takes place on Saturday, September 23 at the Diocesan Centre.  Registration is from 9:00-9:30 am.  Please preregister by September 18  by calling 548-4461.  The parish will pay for the registration fee.

Blessed Sacrament Council in Amherstview invites you to OCTOBERFEST 2006, Friday September 29th at 6:30 pm.  Music provided by Jim Hallman. Advance tickets only.  $15.00 per person. Call Lyle Arcand 613-384-3949 or Paul Godfrey 613-384-2671
Vocation View
Jesus wants his followers to light a fire on the earth,
His followers, as His fire,
are bright, blazing, consuming, enlightening and warm.

Prayer for Vocations
O God, who has chosen the Apostles to propagate the faith & to establish Your Holy Church throughout the world, we earnestly beseech You to choose from amongst our people many priests, deacons, religious brothers & sisters and lay persons who will gladly devote their entire lives in making you known & loved by all.  Through the intercession of our Blessed Lady, we ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen

Determined to “take it with him” when he died, a very rich man prayed until God gave in, on one condition.  He could only bring one suitcase of his wealth.  The man decided to fill the suitcase with gold.  The man died and St. Peter greeted him but told him he couldn’t bring the suitcase in.  So the man explained that he had an agrreement with God.  “That’s unusual,” said St. Peter.  “Mind if I take a look?”  “Not at all” said the man and opened the suitcase to reveal all the shiny gold.  St Peter was amazed.”Why in the world would you bring pavement?”


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